Current Industry Millennials are Killing: Cable
If it’s one thing us millennial are good at its ruining and killing-off entire industries, and the cable industry is quickly becoming another casualty of our collective hit list *evil laugh*. Gone are the days of having to pay a $100 a month bill for content that a. won’t get watched anyway and b. extra channels that are unnecessary to one’s tastes and preferences and for good reasons. Why would I want to pay so much $$ for hundreds of channels when both I and other savvy consumers can pick and choose which shows we want to watch from a single providers for a fraction of the cost? Money-wise it’s a no-brainer and in terms of personal choice the varieties are almost endless.
Personally, I have been more than happy with the holy-grail-like combination of HBO Go, Netflix, and Hulu to satisfy my TV and movie needs and have been doing so every since I graduated from college. I thought cutting the cord was going to be a huge change that I would have difficulty getting over considering I grew up with cable-TV in my house, but the shift wasn’t anxiety inducing at all. In fact, it was the exact opposite. Being able to pick what I wanted to watch, when I wanted to watch it, enjoy very limited or no commercial interruptions and have the added benefit of original content from streaming platforms was far superior to any cable plan. I could open my laptop at any time and with a few strokes of my keys, I am watching re-runs of my favorite Adult Swim shows online.
Obviously, I am not the only person who is clearly seeing the huge difference between dealing with apathetic cable companies and streaming providers as, “less than one-third of the TV and video watched by millennials and Gen Xers is accounted for by traditional measurements, according to the study,” conducted by the Omnicon Group puts forth. If advertisers and marketers truly want to reach the much coveted millennial demographic, investments must shift to these non-traditional platforms as millennials are flocking to these services. So to my friends that are still dealing with poor customer service from cable giants such as Comcast, I say to you, good luck!