Alien and Rick and Morty Cross Over in this Quirky Promo
Attention advertisers! If you want to gain the attention of that much sought after target demographic, millennials, then start by getting in touch with people at Adult Swim to craft clever spots like 20th Century Fox did to promote Alien: Covenant using the titular characters from the hit TV show Rick and Morty. It almost impossible not to create content that is funny, witty, tongue-in-check, and overall hilarious like the TV show.
What is most notable is that this promotional piece doesn’t “feel” like a run-of-the-mill ad. The set-up character mannerism, and dialogue (Morty mentioning how Rick has a drinking problem for one…) all could easily be within an episode of the show, and the film itself isn’t brought up until the very end of the spot. Tongue-in-cheek references are abound; Rick survives an attack by a face-hugger, “…from the Alien movies!” as Morty exclaims, after which Rick wishes he could alert the cast of “those Alien” movies about how to kill them (it’s his years of substance abuse…). All around this spot is entertaining as it is relevant.