The once down-and-out social network site looks like its ready to take the social-networking world, i.e. Facebook, back by storm with a sleek new interface and look.
MySpace’s new interface with its seamless transitions between page content, bold graphics, and simple layout makes Facebook’s look clunky, outdated, and downright boring. It appears as if users can comment on content on a page even while watching video, as the comment box appears as a large overlay over the existing screen.
The pages themselves definitely look like they have borrowed designs from Pinterest, but doesn’t mean that’s a bad thing. Pages are scrolled through horizontally rather than vertically and feature large images on the page with smaller comment boxes beneath them, which makes for a crisp and clean appearance.
What definitely sets the site apart from Facebook is the high emphasis on finding, sharing, and listening to musical content on the site, which was something that MySpace was known for before its decline. Judging from the video, the site acts as a giant musical database, where users can search for music, which can then be added to playlists, shared with friends and even added to a mix.
In addition to finding and sharing music, there are some other features that look interesting. There is an event page that looks as if it displays where artists users follow are going to be playing at, and even a radio feature that could possibly be used to compete with internet radio sites like Pandora and Spotify,
Finally, users can log-in with Facebook or Twitter and bring photos and other information with them to the site, which is sure to get people to at least tryout the new MySpace. For old users and those who have never used MySpace such as myself, now is the time to re-discover and maybe even re-appreciate what MySpace to offer.
Sources Cited:
Hepburn, Aiden. (September 25, 2012). Introducing the New MySpace. In Digital Buzz Blog. Retrieved September 25, 2012 from